
Code is a poetry

Clojure metadata

Posted at — Jun 18, 2021

Conceptually metadata is an ability for the symbol or the collection to have some additional information for the Clojure compiler. It is implemented as a map data structure and is often used to convey the type information to the compiler, documentation and compilation warnings. Let’s experiment with metadata in the REPL. Function meta is used to read metadata, with-meta to write metadata.

(def m-data {:first "Roman"}) => #'user/m-data
(meta (with-meta m-data {:doc "Test"})) => {:doc "Test"}

In Clojure we can define some custom properties that will be saved in object’s metadata. For example, if we want to make global Var xx private (not accessible outside of the current namespace) we can add ^:private in the form definition (^ is the metadata marker). Now Var xx has a metadata property :private with a value of true.

(def ^:private xx 0) => #'user/xx
(meta #'xx) => 	{:private true,
				:line 1,
				:column 1,
				:file "NO_SOURCE_PATH",
				:name xx,
				:ns #object[clojure.lang.Namespace 0x6e5bfdfc "user"]}

We use #' Var quote to pass the Var reference to the meta function (and not the value it resolves to). A ^:private directive also works for functions. Alternatively we can use the defn- macro to make the function private.

Another useful metadata property is ^:const. It tells the Clojure compiler that the Var should not be redefined later in the code and remains constant.

A ^dynamic property gives the ability to redefine Var only for the current form (local binding) with binding macro. Without this metadata property we will get an execution error.

(def ^:dynamic xy 10) => #'user/xy
(:dynamic (meta #'xy)) => true
(binding [xy 11]
	xy) => 11

Function’s metadata additionally has an arglists property.

(defn func [a b c]) => #'user/func
(meta #'func) => 	{:arglists ([a b c]),
					:line 1, ...}

A function’s Docstring comment is conveniently saved in Var’s metadata under which the function is defined. We can retrive it with the :doc keyword.

(defn f "docstring" [a b]) => #'user/f
(:doc (meta #'f)) => "docstring"

Additionally we can add type hints for the Clojure compiler. For example we can define that our function should always return String type with ^String directive. Or implicitly set one argument to be a Long type. Let’s check it in the REPL.

(defn f ^String [^Long a b]) => #'user/f
(meta (first (:arglists (meta #'f)))) => {:tag java.lang.String}
(meta (first (first (:arglists (meta #'f))))) => {:tag Long}

It is important to mention that type hints are not a substitution for the static typing in Clojure. They are just hints for the compiler. In some cases, like usage of Java methods and classes or Clojure records, type hints help to optimize the code and to improve the application performance. It is done by minimizing the compiler lookup time for the methods in Java classes when we specify the class type in our code.

Hopefully now you have more knowledge about Clojure metadata and will use it efficiently in your day to day work.